Wishing Tree My best friend got married over the summer and wanted to have something different instead of the traditional sign in book that they have at most weddings. We had seen several trees on various sites that were nice but they were for the most part beyond the budget. So we went back to the drawing board. We both scoured the web for places that sold the tree and the prices can vary so I suggest you search thoroughly. If you want real wood(Manzanita) vs. synthetic it is up to you. I personally liked the malleability of the fake tree versus the real branches. Since her colors were persimmon, silver and ivory we were lucky to find a quality silver tree. The next step was where I came in, what would we do for the tags? I of course had my Cricut primed and ready I just needed to figure out what patterns would work for the project. I decided to mix designs so that when the tags would hang there would be a whimsical effect because of the different shapes. I used my Christmas and Stor...